About Me…
I am Michelle Martin, born and raised in McAllen, Texas. I graduated from Sharyland High School in 2004 and furthered my education at Texas A&M University in College Station.
I worked as an assistant News Producer at the local ABC Channel and then proceeded working at Rio Queen which is now Wonderful Citrus, (Fuji water, halo oranges, pistachio) and later went on to work for a private school as their marketing and advertising director.
After three years, I decided to quit my job and start my own business which is The Ag Mag, an agricultural publication for the Rio Grande Valley. The Ag Mag is now on its 10th year and has a readership of 50,000. While running my own publication I am the owner and host to a TV show called Ag on Wheels which you can find clips of on RFD, whole episodes on my YouTube™ channel, Acres TV™ and social media.
In addition, I have started an Agricultural marketing company to provide advertising, video, and social media promotion services to agriculturally based companies.
I am also a mother to a loving seven year old farm boy, as well as a wife to a farmer!